I would like to see with today's special effects a retelling of this movie, I saw this movie recently and I thought it was ahead of its time. Anyone agree with me?


Yes a remake would be awesome with cgi effects/good animatronics.

Something that looks like the Wolf at the start of 300.

It should be closer to the plot of the book though, an environmental slant is not a bad thing, but the Wolfen in the book were much scarier and seemed more powerful.


You said two things that made me think a remake would be dreadful, CGI and 300 :(


This is definitely a very scary and intense movie. Unfortunately the ending ruins the suspense when the creatures turn out to be real wolves.

In the book the wolfen are huge, ancient creatures with clawed paws that are designed almost in a human hand way that allows them to open windows and doors. They can even climb up walls and the sides of buildings!

They are also extremely intelligent in how they hide, socialize and hunt. They have fed on the homeless and poor for centuries because they are not missed.

I wish they would remake this movie too. With the storyline and the creatures based more on the terrifying novel of the same name.


to be honest i was pretty disappointed when it turned out they were just wolves too. thought that after all of the build up they should have been something more than that.


In order of appearance

F You
F You
F You

Jeff had no remake opinion so he is neutral.

In a world where Paris is a whore
& Britney and Lindsay are skanks.
Hilary Duff is my hero.


to be honest i was pretty disappointed when it turned out they were just wolves too

They're not "just" wolves. They're "shape-shifters"!

Awesome movie that needs a remake just as much as I need a hole in my head.


They're not "just" wolves. They're "shape-shifters"!


As portrayed in the movie (and that was only touched on as an idea) throughout the movie they were implied to be feral creatures, but in the end they came across as magical/mystical beasts that disappeared like a bad dream.

I had a problem with that contradiction.

In the book they were an older, flesh and blood thing of nightmare, higher evolution of the Wolf! Extremely intelligent (Think Velocar Raptor in JP) and made the ones in The Grey look like a pack of Pomeranians.

If you read the book then you know the slant they took in the movie was due to the inability (via special effects or lack of vision) to translate it from the book to the screen.

Something that can definitely be done now.

The movie was good, I liked it for what they had to work with, and stands as a classic no doubt.

The book (while usually the case, but in this case much more so) was ten times the movie.

In this world of remakes that make you scratch your head as to WTF were they thinking?!?!

A remake of Wolfen done closer to the book would be an instant Horror classic.

"Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about."


I just left the "Skinwalkers" message board. I actually like this movie alot as is. I like the fact that they are just wolves, that is what makes it more intense. Not all scary/thriller/fantasy movies have to have monsterlike creatures to make them interesting.

I would see a remake if one came out just because I like fantasy movies in general. But I think "Wolfen" is a classic and is a favorite of mine.


I agree that "Wolfen" is a classic that should NOT be remade. I loved Gregory Hines' character. There was just the right amount of comedy, horror and thriller.


Absolutely! It was a fine film and doesn't need updating.

Unless, I guess, Mr. Strieber or whoever currently owns the rights is cash-hungry.

When in doubt, watch a movie!
Once certain, watch it again!


I've never read the novel, so I can't comment on how the film differs from it. However, I think if Wolfen was remade now, it would be pretty disappointing. Hollywood seems to believe that modern audiences have incredibly short attention spans, and are so stupid that they need everything explained to them.

Accordingly, a Wolfen remake would probably have CGI werewolves ripping people apart every five minutes, the hero (played by Tom Cruise) uncovering a secret terrorist/Wolfen alliance that intends to take over the world, and a climax with lots of explosions and a huge battle between the Wolfen and an army of Navy SEALS. No thanks.



THEY NEED A REMAKE!!!! I saw this movie for the first time last weekend and couldnt help but notice how dated it is! I can usually watch older movies without a problem, but this was just too dated. Look at Alien, that movie still works today and is older than Wolfen.

I think it's a great concept and a remake would do the orignial justice. Im sure Wolfen was great when it came out, but it doesnt stand the test of time. A remake is needed and personally i think, if done right, could be really good. And this time no weiner shots PLEASE!!

I myself dabbled in pacifism once. Not in 'Nam of course


I read the book about 20 years ago, so I don't remember the details. I do remember that the story surrounding the Wolfen was more interesting than the movie portrays. The Wolfen aren't a product of shape shifting. They are a distinct species that interacts with humans when it's productive for them. In ancient times, they usually had a human liaison that would communicate with them through sign language of a sort, but the modern Wolfen had long forgotten that connection with man, other than they're tasty treats.

"This is not good for my rage."


"Accordingly, a Wolfen remake would probably have CGI werewolves ripping people apart every five minutes, the hero (played by Tom Cruise) uncovering a secret terrorist/Wolfen alliance that intends to take over the world, and a climax with lots of explosions and a huge battle between the Wolfen and an army of Navy SEALS. No thanks"

Na, knowing hollywood they would throw in Vampires to fight the wolves, You know, Twilight meets Wolfen kind of thing.


i concur.


This is a general comment.

There is a difference between being startled and being scared. The folks who are rooting for an overblown, far from subtle, CGI-drenched remake prefer being startled. This is an outcome of having a short attention span and lacking an imagination. The need for continuous stimulation reflects an inability to creatively engage with plot development. The movie has to do it all for them.

That's pretty scary.


I think you have to appreciate this movie in its time. The special effects might seem dated today but the steadicam work was unique back then (Evil Dead and Predator are better known for using the technique to add tension but they came later.) Some of the practical effects could have been better but they are passable and the story was original for a "werewolf" movie. Some people were disappointed that there were no transformation scenes (ala America Werewolf in London which came out the same year) or that the creatures were real wolves but I don't agree. The pack of wolves at the end actually appear quite vicious and the final decapitation scene was pretty well done. The score deserves honorable mention as well and the environmental theme isn't cheesy like it is in some of today's flicks. I honestly think cgi wolves and a different cast would not improve on the original.

I read the book before seeing the movie and do recall being a bit disappointed because the wolves were not the focus in the movie. Their pack behavior and choosing of victims as well as the way they moved around New York was well described in the book but ignored in the film. Probably because it would have been too difficult to shoot back then. If a remake were to focus on these aspects using today's special effects techniques I would consider going to see it but a simple update wouldn't do it for me.


Absolutely not.

I loved how they used real wolves, with a remake you'd get crap CGI wolves and it would be super lame, so no.

The Greatest Action Film Of All Time IS RAMBO



while i usually loath remakes of older films, i this case i'm for a remake. the film is totally flawed and all this environmental subtexts that are shoehorned in just don't work. the wolfen are poorly done, they look just like regular y wolves! it should be much closer to the book with the wolfen really having a distinct appearance that sets them apart from regular wolves!

however it should go into the hands of a skilled director and not be filmed as a loud action movie!

Thank you Ireland


I'm in for a remake, but with these stipulations:

-Make it much more faithful to the novel.

- Portray the Wolfen as they really are (not normal-looking wolves)

-Get some good actors in it.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


^^Exactly. Another aspect of the book that they chucked in this version was the wolfen's side. They were extremely intelligent, ruthless, cunning and determined. In the movie they killed people, then left their bodies behind to be found. In the book, they devoured the entire corpse to avoid detection. They ripped the clothes to shreds and buried or dumped them in the lake in Central Park. They even devoured the bodies of their own dead to avoid being detected. So the hundreds of thousands of people they devoured over the centuries, were thought to just be missing.

If I remember correctly, in the book they killed a pair of cops and somehow were interrupted before they could consume the bodies. This is how they finally came to be discovered. Although at first, they were thought to be a serial killer. I haven't read the book in a while so I can't remember the actual cause.


I just re-read the book last week. You remember correctly. It was a pair of cops killed by inexperienced younger wolfen in the pack that led to their discovery. The plot of the book revolves around the pack leader trying to cover their tracks by attempting to kill those that are getting close to figuring out they are real rather than legend. It's a fantastic novel and i would welcome a remake that followed the book more closely. Don't get me wrong, I think the movie is an under appreciated horror classic but it is a dramatic departure from the novel. The wolfen are extremely intelligent in the novel and even set several clever traps for the detectives they are pursuing (the only one depicted in the movie is the church scene where one of the wolfen imitates a crying baby to separate the detectives.) This particular pack of wolfen are also unique in that they choose to roam in the city instead of rural areas favored by other packs. They are more prosperous as a result but make one mistake that snowballs into a tragic nightmare for their entire species.
