MovieChat Forums > Wolfen (1981) Discussion > petition for a Wolfen remake

petition for a Wolfen remake

I would like to see a remake close to the plot of the book; less environmental subtext, more about the Wolfen as lethal predators who are hunting Wilson and Neff, and a real sense of growing horror about how dangerous their predicament is.

Who's with me?
Or do I have to lobby New Line (or some other studio) myself?


I hate to say this, but I like the idea of a remake of Wolfen. Though the studio would probably screw it up & make it a werewolf movie.

I like the idea of American Indians and wolves still hidden in NYC even after the "white man" took it over & developed their great city...lots of potential to expand & make interesting there. Though today's Hollywood mainstream probably wouldn't touch it.

Wolfen (81):5/10
Superman:Braniac Attacks (96):6/10
I Drink Your Blood (70):6/10


Please, please, please. This was one of the scariest books I ever read. The movie still leaves a bitter taste in my memory, for how it mangled the book.

<i>Wolfen</i> was a teeth-grindingly, look-behind-everything-for-three-weeks frightening horror novel. In the book the Wolfen are a race of sapient canids with the same relationship to wolves as we have to chimps. They are not evil, they just flat out see us as food. The movie changes them into "spirit wolves," animating because of the disrespect to the environment Or something. I mean… WTF, over? About the only thing that survived from the original story was the setting in New York. An embarrassment.

At that point, why not throw on a new title and leave the original story to be told by someone who could do it justice? IMHO, this is a book still waiting for translation to the screen. Had it been done right, it would have been as frightening as the original Alien was...


Please, please, please. This was one of the scariest books I ever read. The movie still leaves a bitter taste in my memory, for how it mangled the book.

You're not alone there. The AUTHOR hated the movie (as well as another adaption, "The Hunger"), even going so far as to declare that he'd never let Hollywood have another one of his books (and he's written a whole BUNCH of books, only three of which have been adapted into films, and he still writes... so he's pretty much stuck to his word).


This is my all time fav book and although i thot the film was good for its time it did not capture the fear and pace the book did and I have been wanting to see it remade for years now


signed. damn great idea :) new line & p. jackson remake. viggo mortensen as dewey? any thoughts?


I honestly just read the book like two weeks ago and it scared the *beep* out of me. I've always loved werewolves and the concept that werewolves are an actual part of the canine family and not shapeshifters made me love the book more and found that scarier.

I have not seen the movie yet but I've heard mixed things about it.

But based on what I'm hearing I would like a remake. Something that can capture the gore, scares, and pace of the book. Get Del Toro on this *beep*


i usually hate remakes and hollywood ruining classic movies, but this film is really flawed, a remake closer to the book would be great, but without over the top cgi crap and silly cartoon characters, please! write a good script and get decent actors!

Thank you Ireland


The book was really boring to me. Police vs wolves. End. No more ideas behind it.
I like the decay of occidental civilization feeling of the movie (inexistent in the innocent book, of course) and the human race subjugation (the ending is a killer!).
The novel is only a typical police story with a very predictable, conformist resolution.


the book is much more! a secret society of evolved intelligent wolflike creatures living among people for centuries! imagine the possibilities of a film that would explore that! instead of a lame indian myth nonsence and wolvens that are nothing but ordinary wolves!

Thank you Ireland


I couldn't disagree more. If the book had all the envirnmental and Native American subplots and the movie was a creatures vs humans remake you SAME PEOPLE would be blasting the movie for taking out all the interesting pieces and turning it into something "commercial". Wolfen is a rare case where the movie has more substance than the book.


I'm not a fan of environmental messages in horror film (The Happening anyone?), but especially when the movie is so different from the source material AND the source material was actually decent horror.

Definitely needs a remake. Maybe New Moon will end up being worthwhile after all.



I agree wholeheartedly!!!!!! Loved this book when I was a kid, I think I was 12 or 13yrs old when I read it. Scared the SH*T out of me! Was very disappointed with the film version which had very little to do with the novel on which it was based. I am almost 40yrs old now and have recently purchased a used copy of the book from Amazon and I've started re-reading it. wishing with all of my heart that they would re-make this and be more faithful to the book. I'd LOVE to be able to contact someone with some kind of pull in the movie industry to push this. There are SO many needless remakes out there that I'm getting frustrated at situations like this where a movie that BEGS to be re-made isn't.



Piss off, the last thing we need is another remake.

