MovieChat Forums > Taps (1981) Discussion > Stupid movie so far (spoiler)

Stupid movie so far (spoiler)

I'm watching Taps right now, and I'm at the part about 30 minutes in when the civilian kid is shot and killed during the scuffle. The person who shoots the gun is one of the other civilian kids, not the general. But somehow the general thinks that he was the one pulled the gun out and shot???!!!?? Why???Ten seconds after the incident, the general seemed to have forgotten what happened. I know it all happened really fast, but c'mon, wouldn't you know whether or not you pulled out a gun and shot somebody? The movie might be good from here on out, but I have a hard time liking any movie that begins with an unbelievable premise.



It's very obvious that the townie shot the gun. No one is holding or grabbing for the bun when it goes off. I also thought this was a weak part of the film.



I thought it was a pretty sweet film. further proof that tom cruise is out of his f-ing mind.


I did watch the rest of the movie. It had potential for being good, but it was really long and drawn out. I was so bored. The only cool part was at the end when Tom Cruise is firing that giant gun, and Timothy Hutton and Sean Penn run in and Tom says, "It's *beep* beautiful," while laughing hysterically. What a complete nut job. That part was cool just because we got to see how psycho Tom Cruise was. A better movie that is of the same vein is Toy Soldiers. It's not rated that high on imdb, but I love that movie. That's why I thought Taps would be good.




The General doesn't remember due to the fact he was IMHO in the beginning process of having a heart attack. Which is what killed him in the movie.

Just my opinion I could be wrong


Not so much a stupid movie, you have spent enough time reviewing replies to your comments to the movie.. You must have like it or have some weird hate fascination about it... I have enjoyed this movie for many years.. Even though it was an early 80's movie and lacked alot that the movies for the current years have content and effects... It was an inspirational movie for the future military crowd to come from that generation that it was produced in...


I have always felt The General blames himself because the gun is supposed to be unarmed. He forgot and left one bullet in the chamber. I'm sure the townie would have been punished had not Bache admitted to it. In the scuffle, although it is clear to those watching the movie, no one is really sure who pulled the trigger.

The Doctor: I wonder...
Leela: What?
The Doctor: Shh. I'm wondering.


I would agree with you.

This was a social function and the General even stated that the gun was not to have a bullet in it.

When in the heat of the moment things happen so fast that you are not sure of what exactly happened.

If you don't have much to begin with, then you don't have much to lose.


even though the gun wasn't supposed to have a bullet in it (and that WAS the general's fault), the townie still shouldn't have reached for it in the first place- he obviously had the intent of killing or hurting some one with it


That pistol should not even be part of his uniform at all! It was a social function, and he would not have been required to appear under arms.




General Bache made sure the magazine was empty, but forgot to check the chamber. An elementary mistake, but not unprecedented.

