Funny movie

Hilarious ending. Typical of the time period showing how military is bad...liberal is good. I can't believe Sean Penn lived at the end! I was rooting for him and Cruise and Hutton to die. Totally ridiculous premise. The National Guard has tanks now? Maybe WW2 leftovers. They just needed to bitch slap Timothy Hutton's character and the film would have been over. Dumb. Oh...and I served my 20. Laughable.


Well, it shows Tom Cruise as the total loon we all know him to be.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"


Why do you think Hollywood is so crazed by him. Great actor. I re-watched this early performance and think he was casted properly; prob the ONLY choice for the part.

This is why he rakes in the bucks and people go to see him because he's a great actor. I cant help but listen to the private life B.S. but when it comes around with so many movies, he's the bomb. As, for Hutton, (and yes this is snobbish till today) If he gained a few muscle pounds and really worked it, he could be an A-lister. Loved him in Ordinary People and much more and wish he had the chance to be great lead actor in film not TV film, he deserves more i think....of course not everyone is obsesses w/Total success.

G.C.Scott was awesome as always.

When it comes down to it, it was a Tom Cruise's breakout with others behind.

They mostly come out at night...mostly--Newt/Eric Cartman...



That's a good ending, although I'd bring in more characters, like members of the board, local politicians, media, etc.


The end is not Tom Cruse being the loon we know he is. The ending is the charactor Tom plays being overly zealous. Tom Cruse was acting, just like everyone else in this movie, or any movie.

Intellect and Romance Triumph Over Brute Force and Cynicism
