Tom Cruise

I consider that this is the movie that launched Tom Cruise's career.


I must agree fully. It's funny to see Hutton, Cruise and Penn in their teenage years and taking a look at them now. Cruise and Hutton haven't changed much looks wise but wow. lol


sorry, i disagree.i would give that nod to risky business. i liked cruise when he was much younger. there was another film he did in that time frame where he played a high school football player in pennsylvania.


All The Right Moves.


Taps launced Tom Cruise's movie career.Risky Business made him a superstar.Top Gun made him an international superstar and catapulted his status as a movie star for the years to come.


Taps launced Tom Cruise's movie career.Risky Business made him a superstar.Top Gun made him an international superstar and catapulted his status as a movie star for the years to come.

I agree 100%. While Taps did not make him a star, it was the definitely the role that first brought him to the attention of those who follow the film industry. Those later films made him a star, but when they were first released Cruise was basically known as "The guy from Taps. Not Sean Penn, the other guy. No, not Timothy Hutton, the other, other guy. The guy in the beret. Y'know, the crazy 'It's beautiful, man!' guy."


Tom Cruise made this movie! Hutton and Penn were awful.

"I'll see you in another life, when we are both cats." By Tom Cruise in Vanilla Sky.
