movie sucks ass

bottom of the barrel slasher garbage. Way better films out there. If you think this is good because it has a couple of pretty girls, you have no clue what it takes to make a good horror film.


It's not a slasher and its grown on me over the years.


It's definitly a slasher movie, and it's always been known as one. Anyways, I thought the film was ok. It was a bit dull.


It is not even on par with an NBC Mystery Movie of the Week. Even thought it was 1983, it played like a 70's Bionic Woman episode. The music was Leif Garret bad. The socially-conscious Native American subplot was just off. This made The Touch of Satan (1971) look modern and good, at least that one had laughs.


It felt like a late 70s TV movie. With some minor cuts it could easily play on TV. Death scenes are quite unimaginative and gore is quite tamed, there are just some minor blood-splatters, so I doubt if this was even made as a slasher movie. It was just probably marketed as one because of the "slasher boom" that happen around that time ('83 was still peak of slasher genre).

It wasn't that bad, but not great either, it's not big loss if you haven't seen it. The ending was quite bad tho, it just comes out of nowhere.

And I am not sure if this was my TV, or maybe my DVD copy (Code Red), but movie was just too dark in some of scenes, it almost went pitch black in some night scenes.

On the other hand, great cast.





it has a cool "smalltown" vibe to it that i can appreciate


I wouldn't call it great or really good, but it doesn't "suck ass." Gorehounds probably won't like it because it's not overly gory and could be categorized as a whodunit mystery. The story kicks off with a quality bar confrontation, which reveals the racial tension in the town between whites and AmerIndians. Despite all the gushing over the new girl (Aleisa Shirley), she's not all that, i.e. no curves. Dana Kimmell is the real beauty.

The cast is likable, particularly Hopkins as the main protagonist, and the early 80's ambiance is to die for. Don Shanks is notable as a kick axx Indian. I liked the movie and enjoyed trying to figure out who the killer was amidst the red herrings, but found the wrap up a little eye-rolling and unsatisfying.
