The Drug Dealer

The actor that plays the drug dealer, in the opening scene, I can't find him in the credits. Hard to believe he is in an uncredited role. Anyone have any ideas who the actor is?


I watched the movie last night on a TV channel. When the opening credits rolled I saw the name Hari Rhodes, an African-American actor whose named I recognized. As soon as I saw him get out of his car in his scene with Burt I said to myself, "That's Hari Rhodes." What is strange though is that his character's name is Highball Mary, an odd nickname for a guy. Plus, I don't recall Burt or anyone else saying that nickname. I'm 90% sure the drug dealer is Hari Rhodes.

Here are some screen shots of him.


In the novel it explains High Ball Mary got his nickname for wearing a gold earring.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Hari Rhodes is a brilliant actor. It's just a shame he had limited screen time in this film. Thought he played smooth and then crazy very well. 👏

Luke Skywalker, your Mom was hawt! Darth Vader
