MovieChat Forums > The Prowler (1981) Discussion > Favourite death scene?

Favourite death scene?

I liked the bit where the guy gets stabbed through the head. That was pretty damn nasty.

Anyone else?


Its my favorite kill scene. The inventive nastiness of the method of killing. I like that the killer would have thought out method out before hand. I like how he wipes the blade afterward...have to have a clean weapon.

"TV ugly. Not ugly ugly."




I agree.The girl getting impaled with a pitch fork in the shower was really sadistic,and cool.The girl getting in the swimming pool was really awesome too.He just came out of no where,and showing legs struggle,stop,and then have one final nerve spasm was pretty realistic.


The guy stabbed through the head. That was a disturbing but great scene.
The way his eyes turn in blank is nasty. Excellent make-up.

For a similar scene, watch Dario Argento's "Opera".

"Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time".


the throat slitting in the pool is awesome... i have the dvd and on the extras it has an extended scene of it and it was disturbingly realistic



Yea, I really liked the death where the guy gets a knife through the head and it comes out his chin...But at teh end when the same guy is hanging in teh shower with his lady friend who got the pitch fork to the gut, you dont see his wound from the knife but then again, the look of his eyes and how he reaches out for the blonde girl definately made up for was pretty disturbing!


I liked when The Prowler got his head blown to pieces. It was just so cool. I also really liked throat slashing in the pool, it just looked so real.

"Pain? How dare you use that word?"-Pinhead


My favorite was when that guy gets stabbed through the head...that looked awesome. I also liked when the prowler gets his head blown off.


I think I like the prowler's death the best. The girl's death in the pool is second.

Freddy Krueger: Come here. Come here, my little piggy. I got some gingerbread for ya.


I have a question. was the prowler's head exploding scene at the end edited on the DVD? because it seemed extremly short.

compton is n da house


I gotta go with the foxy young lady who gets impaled on a pitchfork while taking a shower; it's a shockingly brutal and drawn-out scene that's made all the more effective by hearing the metal prongs of the pitchfork scrape against the shower wall as the killer slowly lifts the screaming girl up. The bayonet through the head gag and the chick who gets her throat cut wide open while enjoying an evening dip in a pool are likewise quite nice and nasty, too. And I loved the juicy exploding head at the very end of the pic!

"Warren Oates died for our sins"


