MovieChat Forums > Prince of the City (1981) Discussion > Quite astonished at the people who hated...

Quite astonished at the people who hated Cielo for his actions

For the people who are of that opinion, would you actually want cops on the street who procure drugs for junkies in exchange for information, use drugs themselves and ignore criminal activity in exchange for money? Because if you do, you are incredibly demented.


I would not expect that kind of statement coming from a guy named BlueVelvetFrank!!! :o)


I like Frank because of his outrageousness and insane mannerisms, but he is still an evil son of a bitch


the thin blue line....cops arent supposed to rat on cops...even the dirty ones...the fact remains, the drug war has caused more cops to go bad than anything

same thing occured during prohibition

the money is just too ez


The OP misses the point. The transgressions he decries are an indelible part of the system. You will never have a police force made up of 100% pure cops. This moral ambiguity was a major point of the film.

And if you know ANYONE related to the NYPD, you know Leuci (the basis for the Ciello character) is still despised as a rat who betrayed his partners to protect himself. He was a crooked as they.


I do definitely see your point, and the characters such as Gino Mascone who had a family and everything seem like really affable guys. I guess another film like this one that hits at me is Serpico, and while he was a good honest cop, where would these departments be if neither he or Lueci had said anything, and just let it escalate?
