american remake????

i saw this movie in 1980 i was a little kid so i did not know this was an italoin movie but now i was wondering if this lost classic will ever get an american remake


I wouldn't hold my breath on the remake. I think it was dubbed over by the actors themselves. As far as I can remember Terrence hill's voice was dubbed, but I can't remember if Ernest Borgnine was. Possibly the film was made in Italy and made to look American. It's been so long since I've seen it. But I know I enjoyed it. I think I was around 11 or 12 years old at the time, so it's been awhile.



That's Terrence Hill's actual voice, slight accent intact, in the English language version of Super Fuzz. Same goes for Borgnine, Marc Lawrence and virtually the entire cast save for a few supporting goons. Much of the movie appears to have been shot in sync sound, and Hill's is very clearly speaking English "live" to is castmates in many scenes. You can spot instances here and there where a line or two of dialoge was actually dubbed, but Hill's English was actually quite good.

The phenomenal Italian DVD of this film contains the original English track, by the way.

I'm up for a remake, too. The original is hardly a classic - it's just a very, very fond memory for those of use who saw it originally. While it has held up far better than I personally thought it might have, the concept is ripe for a remake, so long as they simply punched up the comedy scenes and designed some large-scale action setpieces. Plus, they could bring back the theme song. THAT would be sweet....


I havent seen this for a long time so I really dont know if I would still like it. But I know I havent seen a remake I didn't hate.
