Super Snooper Lyrics

Could someone post the lyrics to the movies theme song Super Snooper? I can make out most of the lyrics just by listening to the song but some things I cant make out. Ive searched the net and didnt find anything and I dont have the dvd to be able to turn on the subtitles or captions.


Most of the newer TVs have caption enabled. Mine is older (from 1995) but it has caption and I can switch it on from the menu with the original TV remote. If the video is CC you would be able to see it then (though some older movies don't tend to be captioned. It would say on the box if it was).

The lyrics are here on this page. You might have to scroll down until you see "Super Snooper".


One line in those lyrics seems suspect:

"A wonder cop a roller the side of the law"

This is the only lyric they've printed there that doesn't actually fit the beats of the song.

The lyric should be

"A wonder copper on the side of the law."

As you can hear right here:


What in the name of our Good Lord Christ are the lyrics just BEFORE the bit where they sing, "Supersnooper opened the door." (About 1 minute 20 seconds in)

It sounds to me like they're singing, "There's a stud on the floor."

Certainly an arresting image and even apt in some strange way (I'm sure that a gentleman with his powers would have many male admirers), but I doubt that that is what they are actually singing.

Could someone please tell me and put me out of my misery?


The correct lyrics are:

"There'll be blood...on the floor...
"When Super Snooper opens the door...
Didn't ya know...etc. etc...

Looks like the lyric website got it wrong in a couple of spots.

Hope this ends the misery! ;)


Wait a minute. Is that really what they're saying?

Let's put this to the vote.

Are they singing, 'There'll be blood...on the floor...'

Or are they singing, 'There's a stud on the floor // Supersnooper open the door.'

Almost commanding him to do it. After all, not everything this guy's got, shows.

Click here for a clip:


Still sounds like "there'll be blood...etc." to me.

After all this was a movie aimed squarely at a younger audience, so dick jokes were not really the norm. There's no real sexual references made in the film, so I can't see why the writers of the title song would need to lace the song with an openly sexual reference to the character's "studliness."



I agree that it can't be "stud" for that reason, but I also think that "blood" is as inappropiate as "stud" for that young audience it was aimed for.
I think it's just a "stir" like the lyrics on the website say.
As for what I can actually hear; well, I don't know; if I set my mind to it, I can hear stud, I can also hear blood, and also stir, so that's a tough one to actually hear.


It looks like everyone is questioning basically the same things. The website listed in this thread is wrong on a few things because they just dont fit. To me it sounds like:

"He's a super snooper
really super trooper
a wonder copper on the side of the law

There was dust on the floor
When super snooper opened the door
Then we know everything he's got don't show"

Im not 100% sure about the "dust" part but Im fairly sure I am right on the rest. It does kind of sound like "blood" but I dont think they would put that in the lyrics and it doesnt make a lot of sense to me. Why would there be blood on the floor? I dont think blood is right but I could be wrong. It wouldnt be the first time :)


There would be "blood on the floor" because he would beat up the bad guys and, theoretically, spill their blood on the floor. The lyric doesn't refer to any kind of bleeding gunshot wounds or harsh violence or the like, but if you sock someone in the nose, presumably you could easily spill their blood on the floor. This film was aimed at a young audience, but not preschoolers. Any kid over the age of about 8 in 1981, in nearly any country this film would have been screened, would surely not have had a problem with this lyric, if they were even able to decipher it. ;)

"Dust on the floor" also makes some sense thematically (as in SuperFuzz would make a mess of the place after taking out the bad guys), but I honestly don't hear that at all.

The line is also future tense, as in "there'll (there will) be blood" to indicate suspense, and not past tense 'There was blood..." although the followup line works with either.

Also, "Then we know // everything he's got don't show" is actually "Didn't ya know // Everything he's got don't show" in all of the chorus reprisals.


Look at the opening line of the first two stanzas. "There's a man," "There's a cop." The word in question isn't "blood" or "dust" -- it's certainly "There's a stud on the floor." That's what I've always thought it was and thematically it fits with the earlier stanzas. The word "stud" isn't a blatant "dick joke," it simply refers to someone who's very masculine. Ergo, a super-cop. The word has been around for centuries (originally derived from French and referring to male horses; in the 1930s it became a slang equivalent of the word "dude"), but it was quite popular in the era when SUPER FUZZ/SNOOPER was made. "On the floor" was also a popular phrase from '70s era music, referring to "the dance floor." If the song were aimed squarely at small children, it wouldn't open saying he's an average Joe who "looks just like you and me."

Since nobody else has bothered to type out the full lyrics, here's all of 'em from the album version:

There's a man
Do you see
And he looks just like you and me
Didn't you know
Everything he got don't show

There's a cop
Do you see
And he looks like every cop on the street
You will discover
You can't judge this cop by his cover

He's a super snooper, really super trooper
A wonder cop, a one like you never saw
He's a super snooper, really super trooper
A wonder copper on the side of the law

There's a stud
On the floor
Super snooper open the door
Didn't you know
Everything he got don't show

He's a super snooper, really super trooper
A wonder cop, a one like you never saw
He's a super snooper, really super trooper...

Super Snooper
Super, Super, Super

Super Trooper
Super, Super, Super

He's a super snooper, really super trooper
A wonder cop, a one like you never saw
He's a super snooper, really super trooper
A wonder copper on the side of the law

He's a super snooper, really super trooper
A wonder cop, a one like you never saw
He's a super snooper, really super trooper
A wonder copper on the side of the law

Super Trooper
Super, Super Snooper

He's a super snooper, really super trooper
A wonder cop, a one like you never saw
He's a super snooper, really super trooper
A wonder copper on the side of the law

He's a super snooper, really super trooper
A wonder cop, a one like you never saw
He's a super snooper, really super trooper...

He's a super snooper, really super trooper
A wonder cop, a one like you never saw
He's a super snooper, really super trooper
A wonder copper on the side of the law

He's a super snooper, really super trooper
A wonder cop, a one like you never saw
He's a super snooper, really super trooper
A wonder copper on the side of the law


VinnieRattolle most of those lyrics sound correct but the one part:

"There's a stud
On the floor
Super snooper open the door
Didn't you know
Everything he got don't show"

still sounds to me like they say "Then we know - everything he's got dont show." The other parts could be correct and since I dont have the album Ill go with you on it but it wouldnt be the first time the lyrics listed on the album dont go exactly with the song.


Actual song can be heard on u tube
