was it dubbed in english?

I remeber this flick from when i was a kid. I remebr loving it, but dont remeber all that much about it as an adult....except something about diamonds hidden in fish.... ANYway.... i havent seen it in years, and just noticed that its an italian film.. was it recorded in italian and dubbed into english, or was it recorded in english? I dont remeber it being dubbed, but i was pretty young...

paperclips- the larval form of coathangers...


It was an Italian company that produced the movie but it was shot in the US and in English. I believe some of Terence Hill's dialog was dubbed by Hill himself after the filming because of his thick Italian accent when he was shooting some scenes.



Since Hill is an Italian he has a natural Italian accent that he has to try and cover up with a quasi-American accent. The problem is when trying to cover up his Italian accent he doesnt always pronounce things properly and it doesnt sound quite right. It is his Italian accent coming through that forces some of the over-dubs.
