I missed part of the movie


This movie was just on TV but I had to leave and missed the middle section of the movie. Can somebody explain to me what happened to the blind girl? Who was the man who killed her? Was he the accordion man from earlier or somebody else? How did Arthur get arrested?



it was the accordian man. she trips over him while walking her usual route and he takes advantage when he realizes that she's blind. arthur was arrested because he had thrown out his pack of ciggarettes at the murder site when he first ran into her, and also because a cop saw him drive by the scene of the crime the night that it happened.


Well, we're expected to think that Accordion Man killed her, but I always thought that plot point was left strangely ambiguous (intentionally or not) by the filmmakers. If he DID kill her (which is probable, but never shown), the character's overall gentle saintliness, combined with his own terrified reaction, suggest that the killing was an accidental "Of Mice and Men"-styled one.


i agree about the Of Mice and Men way that the killing likely happened. it is a little ambiguous in the movie, but it's pretty definite in the mini-series, and since potter wrote both, i just assume that he means for us to take him as the killer in the film as well.
