A Troma movie!

At the end, there's a credit about "additional production by Troma, Inc."

Does this make this a Troma movie!?


No. I think Troma was jobbed out to provide production services. I guess that since the budget was low New Yorker films and Louis Malle let Lloyd Kaufman plug his company.


Actually the sequel is a Troma film.
Wallace and Andre depart the restaurant and
are attacked by stoned gators. That's right, stoned gators.
Remember how people flushed their alligators
down the toilet in NYC when they got too big?
A lot of dealers did the same thing with ganja when they feared an
imminent bust. Hence the gators ate the only thing
available down in the underground sewers. Pot.


Tornado swarms spawn Andres allover L.A..

(\___/)This is Bunny! Put him on your
(='.'=)signature to help him gain
(")_(")world domination
