MovieChat Forums > My Dinner with Andre (1981) Discussion > My Dinner with Andre Revisited

My Dinner with Andre Revisited

My Dinner with Andre Revisited -

Very fascinating movie, just wanted to post this short video about it here that made me aware of it in the first place.


Here's a fine, thoughtful examination of the film that I stumbled upon this evening:

Now I want to watch it again! :)


TLDR; lol. But what just occurred to me is that the movie really is about a part of human culture that is rarely depicted in movies or in media generally: A discussion between people and how we grow in relationships. How we learn from each other.

It shows a productive discussion unlike many of the isolationist and tribalist online discussions, bantering and trolling we are so used to in the 140 char twitter age.


You're absolutely right. One thing that really strikes me about this film is that each of the two characters genuinely wants to hear what the other has to say -- not for the purpose of immediately refuting it, but to understand how the other sees & experiences the world. Even when they're quite passionate about their sometimes disparate views, they're always civil with each other, still quite curious, not trying to convince the other so much as to examine what the other is saying from a different angle. And both are willing to re-examine their own outlooks, which is something very few people will do today. They're not playing a game where one must win & one must lose; rather, they're both coming away from their meeting with new ideas & viewpoints, and if anything, a stronger bond of friendship & shared humanity.

I do love this film!
