This movie was not that bad.

It is just a Munsters movie. Quit comparing it to the TV series! It may not be as good as the series but it is still good fun. So stop comparing it to the series!


I thought this film was strictly so-so. Fred Gwynne and Al Lewis are both in good form, but the humor tended to be pretty tired and flat. This picture quite simply fails to capture the sweet charm and zany energy of the TV series, but makes for a decent diversion all the same.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


It's inevitable it will be compared to the original TV show, especially as most of the principal cast is the same.

"Revenge" makes for a weird title, as the Munsters never sought revenge against the police for their being framed by the bad guys...

As always, "Munsters" worked best in B&W. The juxtaposition of frightening monsters in B&W but are really just like us in personality works so much better.

The new added character, "Phantom of the Opera", ultimately exists for plot reasons only (saving Marilyn out of the, yup, glass case.)

Some jokes were re-used, but there were some new ones that I loved as well.

It fits what I would expect as the style of humor "The Munsters" had. Unlike the awful 1988 remake/reboot/sequel/wasteoftime...


The movies will always be compared to the series simply because they are based on a series. How could you not expect comparisons? And besides the reboot this is the worst Munsters related thing I've ever seen.

Flat jokes, bad plot, different cast, wooden acting by almost all actors. They family just looks so strange stuck in the 80's. I love the first tv movie but this one is just so low quality.

Grampa is always awesome and funny though.


It was better than Munster go home


The original actors were all great - but the replacement actors for others just did not cut it - also, the budget for this movie was obviously way too low - in one car scene, it looked as if they were filming someone playing with matchbox cars -


I'm pretty ambivalent about this one. It was nice to see the adult trio reprise their roles and the wax museum caper was a good idea... but something was lost in translation. The script is generally awful, the family reunion subplot which ate up most of Lily's screen time went absolutely nowhere, and Cid Caesar's performance is downright painful to watch. Still, I suppose it's more satisfying than 1977's "Halloween with the New Addams Family," which not only wasted the entire cast but was also a waste of then-precious videotape.



Maybe my opinion is lesser because I never watched the show, but my parents did, and they rented this movie for me when I was a kid and I always got a huge kick out of it. I still watch it now and then, partially for nostalgia, but I do think it's a pretty fun movie and Fred Gwynne and Al Lewis have great comedic chemistry. I don't think it's bad at all, and it's certainly no stain on the Munsters' name (that honour belongs to the mercifully kiboshed Mockingbird Lane).

formerly orlandoflorida2002


If you like plot holes, then its an all time classic
