Kathy Miller

I am desperately seeking a copy of The Miracle of Kathy Miller. My daughter, niece, and nephew watched this excellent film several times as youngsters, and now, as young adults, wish they could watch it again. It doesn't appear to be available in dvd or vhs. Does anyone know how I could obtain a copy? Please help. Thanks!!


From time to time I see it on cable, but unfortunately it isn't available to buy on either VHS or DVD. I would just keep checking with your cable to see. I think I have seen it on either (or maybe both) LMN (Lifetime Movie Network) or the True Stories channel through Starz/Encore. Also, I think I may have seen it available on Ebay (probably just where someone taped it and then sold it).


maybe amazon will have it on dvd?

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill
