MovieChat Forums > Mad Max 2 (1982) Discussion > This should not be in the top 250

This should not be in the top 250

This is, let's say, crap. It's fantasy, comedy, assumed craziness, variation about wrestling. This lives just in your memories, as good old times, and of course all Australian support this like a bunch of kangaroos.

That said, it's not even fun. But there is a reminiscence of John Ford's Sierra Madre in the last scene, or even the Maltese Falcon, and "the stuff that dreams are made of."


Based on the fact you gave Daredevil (2003) praise, you have got to be a troll. That, or your opinion's not worth further notice.


based on the fact you didn't give a single argument, apply your conclusion to yourself.

Oh, and by-the-way i also rated high Ultraviolet, and ... Eon flux.

An argument in defense of your beloved ape-movie would be appreciated : No character arc, almost no dialogues, the only positive thing are stunts. It's a joke, with a bit of "funny" violence, for teenies. Or Australian.

Don't think i read you again, Bye.

And buy the way, you are the cave troll. I viewed almost every movie ever since 1915.

Im' entitled to any opinion, and entitle to share it. No body is *forced* to love this crap.

Thanks, L


And buy the way, you are the cave troll. I viewed almost every movie ever since 1915.

i'm calling bs on this one.

"Cinema was made for fantasy, rather than normal types of stories." - Ray Harryhausen




Dumbass lol


You've seen almost every movie made since 1915 but have only managed to rate 215 of them?

Also, 158 of those 215 ratings are either a 1 or a 10. What the hell? What's your objection to using the numbers 2-9 a bit more often?




Man, I hate when people do that.

I mean clearly OP is trolling, but your reply is no better.

I love both Daredevil 2003 and Mad Max 2. Will you give my opinion a pass? Or am a lost cause too? Should you really dig up one's rating history to form an argument or can we stay on topic?

Given Road Warrior is an older movie, I'd assume people here are kinda older too, and would have some class? Come on, man, if you see a troll post just ignore it...


Whys everyone so quick to throw out the Troll label, came across as just another feckwit blurting out an opinion.


Sick and tired of it. If you listen to the posters on here, then 99.9999999999999999% of the users are "TROLLS".

I own you.


Everyone is entitled too an opinion of a movie what is funny is the fact that they then go on too try and enforce the opinion that they have on the film on others. I do find the OP claiming that they have watched nearly every film since 1915 too be very amusing though.

To make a great film you need three things - the script, the script and the script -Alfred Hitchcock


What's more is that on here you have the ability to report someone "for trolling", as if it was a valid complain.
I own you.


The only thing more amusing than your opinion on this masterpiece, is how you didn't realize that Treasure of the Sierra Madre is by John Huston, not John Ford. Dingus.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


Opinions are like A holes.

And yours stinks.


I agree with the sentiment but not the reasons given. It would be very easy to think of 250 movies better than this one, wouldn't take you more than a few minutes honestly. It's not terrible or anything, and it's better than the 1st, but it's still not that great in the end. The setting is weak (oh, another post apocalypse movie with deserts and leather - great), the editing is pretty bad, the acting is poor, etc. Even the action scenes (which get tons of praise) are pretty standard fare and were basically just cars crashing over and over.

I'll be the first to admit i'm not the target audience for these kinds of movies though, so that's probably why. Post apocalypse desert wastelands and cars don't do a lot for me, so this was never going to work from the start. So considering the critical/user acclaim this movie gets, I can only assume it's me and not the movie. But seriously, no way does this deserve to be in the top 250 movies EVER made. Not even close.

'Get yourself a real dog. Any dog under 50 lbs is a cat and cats are pointless' - Ron Swanson



But seriously, no way does this deserve to be in the top 250 movies EVER made. Not even close.

Another person horribly wrong. Two in one thread!

reply the OP horribly wrong on this.

Takes serious skill to be so wrong. Serious skill. Good job.


Am I the only person here who knows that this film isn't even in the Top 250?

“If one devalues rationality, the world tends to fall apart.”


Am I the only person here who knows this film isn't even in the Top 250?

“If one devalues rationality, the world tends to fall apart.”


Given your posting and review history, I'd say you're just looking to get a rise out of this board.

This is one of the great films of all time.

You simply can't appreciate it because you lack the skill to pull the resources together to make one. And even if you could, you lack the skill and training, and most important of all, character, to create such a film.
