MovieChat Forums > Mad Max 2 (1982) Discussion > The Humungus works out at my gym.

The Humungus works out at my gym.

Didn't know they let guys work out in arseless chaps but there you go. He's there every day all pumped up on roids working out with his biker gang. Keeps lecturing those guys about the end of the world. Acts like a total animal too, throwing his weights around and screaming in a very raspy voice. One time I was having trouble with the squats and he came over and gave me a hand. Always a lot of shouting and fighting noises in the locker room when he's there. Makes me afraid to go in there, just like in high school.


you told him the leather diaper and s&m attire's making everyone nervous. he tells you "no homo" but that's not the only thing getting your tell him it's the domineering tyrannical act that's intimidating all the other members and that having hostage's corpses tied to the treat mills isn't improving business, not to mention the animal skulls all over that flat bench in the corner. all he does is

offer you a "just walk away..."

nobody's buying it, you know there will be no end to the horror. And those membership prices at the gym down the road are crazy.
the other wednesday you caught him out in the parking lot funneling fuel from people's cars, this crap's just gone far enough.


When people describe chaps, why do they always say "assless chaps"? Chaps, by definition, don't have "asses". If they did, they would be PANTS.

Annoying the world since 1960!



It's like when a friend of mine saw someone in a vest and said the person was wearing a "sleeveless vest". Well, yeah, it was sleeveless. That's why it was a vest because it didn't have sleeves. If it had sleeves, it would be a jacket.

Again: assless=chaps; asses=pants.

Annoying the world since 1960!



But wouldn't chaps with an ass still be crotchless pants?


From what I've seen of them, chaps do cover the crotch.

Annoying the world since 1960!
