MovieChat Forums > Mad Max 2 (1982) Discussion > This is my favorite Mad Max move why can...

This is my favorite Mad Max move why can't

People who say Fury Road, original Max, or Thunderdome are the best all unite as Mad Max fans?


maybe because we all like different things and enjoy different styles of movies, effects, production values. those things vary wildly between the movies, and so do the people.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


Because this is the internet. Shrill, juvenile, pointless arguments are the norm here.

"You may have come on no bicycle, but that does not say that you know everything."



You can be a Mad Max/Star Wars/Indiana Jones/James Bond etc fan without liking them all. If people prefer/dislike a movie in a series, and feel the filmmakers have dropped the ball or improved on it obviously they're going to express it on movie forums.

As far as I'm concerned Mad Max ended with The Road Warrior but that's nothing more than just my opinion.

See if you bastards can do 90


As far as I'm concerned Mad Max ended with The Road Warrior but that's nothing more than just my opinio

Same here.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


Now that I come to think about it, I really don't see it as a series, at all. Each of them, including Fury Road, is different enough in FEEL, to me that there's no actual connection between them. It's the same way that, to me, Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry movies are a series, but his spaghetti Westerns were individual films.

Am I making any sense?

"You may have come on no bicycle, but that does not say that you know everything."


A lot of people say that, although I find that the original and The Road Warrior have the most in common. The first film starts with the world on the brink of collapse, but still functional. The second begins probably around 5-10 years later, where society has completely crumbled and marauders rule the wasteland. But you're right that each film can work as a standalone, without needing to see the previous to be understood.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


A lot of people say that, although I find that the original and The Road Warrior have the most in common. The first film starts with the world on the brink of collapse, but still functional. The second begins probably around 5-10 years later, where society has completely crumbled and marauders rule the wasteland. But you're right that each film can work as a standalone, without needing to see the previous to be understood.

You know, i used to think that to, but according to Miller his and Kennedy's script described MM2 as only being 3 or 4 years later. The only reason *beep* 's lawless in the outback regions is because, well, there's no law out there and presumably the local rural police have given up and left or been killed off. There's only wanderers out there and Humongous' gang. I think in the first film that country town, supposedly set somewhere in around Victoria, is just hanging on by pockets of law. The MFP being a low rent police force funded as a last resort.



The characters in and makers of TRW both had to do the best they could with very little resources, and it just works so well.


I love both The Road Warrior and Mad Max: Fury Road about equally, although George Miller is obviously a much more seasoned filmmaker now than he was 35 years ago. I'm fond of the first Mad Max and Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome as well, but at the end of the day it all comes down to personal taste I suppose. Nostalgia may also play a factor in the choices some people make for their favorite.

Anyway, it's a great series and I love revisiting the older films while looking forward to what else Miller has in store for the inevitable next installment.


Because of Wall Street corruption and corporate greed.


unite as Mad Max fans?

I agree. All Mad Max fans should unite in a common cause to take over and rule the Wasteland.


I get to be in charge. I've got a B.A. degree in Pillaging, with a minor in Leathercraft.

- You may have come on no bicycle, but that does not say that you know everything.


I want to be in charge. I have an old hockey mask.

I guess we'll have to settle this in.. THUNDERDOME!

surrender is death, and death is for pussies - Kenny Powers


Cause all the Max movies aint good or even well made, if you have a brain or any film knowledge at all you would underastand this and dont ask such stupid questions...Fury Road is without a doubt the most well made mad max movie but this road warrior is the best of the real mad max movies, cause its the most well made in everything of the three original movies, I for one cant like a movie even if its called Mad Max if the script, Cinematography, actors, dialouge or even the realistic details sucks.

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~
