MovieChat Forums > Mad Max 2 (1982) Discussion > "Tell me your story, Max. Tell me your s...

"Tell me your story, Max. Tell me your story. What burned you out?

"Tell me your story, Max. Tell me your story. What burned you out? Kill one man too many? Seen too many die? Lose some family?"

"Oh, so that's it, you lost your family? That makes you something special, does it?"

Great scene as Pappagallo tries to reach through to Max. But he pushes Max the wrong way and Max punches Pappagallo which Max immediately regrets.

Pappagallo then responds by saying "Do you think you're the only one that's suffered? We've all been through it in here. But we haven't given up. We're still human beings, with dignity. But you? You're out there with the garbage. You're nothing."

And you can see that deep down Max knows what Pappagallo is saying is true. Max hates what he has become but feels that he can't change that and that he's too far gone.

Afterwards Zetta tells Pappagallo that Max is leaving and shouldn't let him go but Pappagallo says of Max "He's fulfilled his contract. He's an honorable man."

So Pappagallo has respect for Max and knows that Max was once a father and husband but, like himself, has lost them and maybe feels pity for Max.

I also think that when Pappagallo says that Max is just garbage speech, it's the first stirring of Max becoming more human again. You clearly see this after Max punched Pappagallo and is disgusted with himself by doing that. Max hadn't come to hurt these people, they were just trying to survive like him and they still had hope while Max didn't believe in that. By hitting Pappagallo Max was no better than the members of the Humangus gang.



100% great observations.

Something else to consider is Papagallo's backstory, in that he's a former big wig executive with an oil company.

I think that explains his tenacity in not wanting to let Max get away. He slowly builds up his case for wanting Max to drive the rig, from trying to tempt him with starting a new life in paradise. He works his way through bringing up Max's past and trying to touch a raw nerve. When all these fail, he's eventually forced to get physical and grab Max's arm and say "Listen!"

Despite his calm exterior, I think Papagallo in his previous occupation was used to getting what he wanted.
