MovieChat Forums > Mad Max 2 (1982) Discussion > Was Wez an older Johnny the Boy?

Was Wez an older Johnny the Boy?

This is something I've been thinking about for a while now. Although at first glance the characters of Wez and Johnny (from the first MM) seem quite different, there are certain things about them I find similar. Sure, Wez is considerably tougher than Johnny was, but he also has that impulsive, impetuous streak Johnny frequently exhibited. Assuming Johnny managed to get away from the explosion at the end of MM, I think it's plausible the next several years spent in increasing savagery matured him, saw him hone his skills as a warrior, actually becoming a worthy successor to the Nightrider, as Toecutter intended.



Unless someone rescued him in the brief moment between Max driving away and the explosion.



The element that could bring Johnny the Boy in mind when watching Wez is the father/son relationship with Humangus.I certainly recalled Toecutter/Johnny from the first film in some of their scenes togerher.But ,apart from the fact that there is only one characteristic scene that could point out to such a bond between them(the one right after the boomerang scene),there are also chaotic differences between the two characters in terms of ruthlessness and temperament.It seems to me that Miller created Johnny's character back in 1979 merely to show that he would never become an equal member of the gang,let alone a dog of war like Wez,no matter how he desired it.


It's the fact Wez has that recklessness and disregard for authority, frequently jeopardizing Humungus' operations with his impulsiveness, that brings Johnny strongly to mind. The annoyance he causes Humungus (The "You disobey puppy!" line) is also reminiscent of how Johnny affected Toecutter and Bubba Zanetti. I know it doesn't prove any solid connection between the two characters, but it's interesting. And Johnny becoming Wez is more plausible (to me, anyway) than him becoming Humungus, as I believe was suggested by some fans a while back!


Are you *beep* retarded? you mean that Johnny boy who is younger than Max in the first movie got past Max in age and is older than Max in the second movie?? get off that pot cause your brain is taking som serious damage OP...

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~


Where does it say Wez is older than Max?


You can see it if you know anything about aging humans...and since Max was very young in the first and it had only gone a couple of years inbetween, then I say he is older.

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~


Speaking of Johnny, has anyone here seen the recent short fan film Johnny the Boy Lives? It shows Johnny having managed to cut the cuff chain and avoided the main blast, though he still appears to have suffered burns when he makes his way to the road and is picked up by a biker who he then drives off with.



I like dropping into the MM2 board from time to time because I loved the movie and it's usually good friendly discussion. Not pointless abuse when someone doesn't like someone else's question. Usually.

...then whoa, differences...


Be serious. Obviously The Humungous is Johnny the Boy. The burns certainly fit. He somehow transformed from a skeevy little weasel to a massive Germanic underpantied badass. Wasteland radiation I expect.

...then whoa, differences...
