Loch Ness Horror

Does anyone know how to get a copy of this movie?


It used to turn up on the USA Network a lot during the mid- to late 1980s, before that network turned to making their own programs. Might check E-bay. As far as I can tell, there is no official video release. Good luck.


A video store in Hagerstown, MD, had a copy that had been released on "Moonlight Madness" video or something like that. I rented it and watched about half of it, turning it off because I was so bored....

I've never seen this flick anywhere else. Maybe now that Buchanan has passed on to his heavenly reward (such as it may be), we'll get a DVD retrospective...


IT'S ON The Drive-In Classics channel on Satellite.

The trailer for it makes it look absolutely dreadful..

An obviously rubber head and a cartoonish looking face.. (looks like something a grade school would make from paper and paste..


its on Youtube!


I bought this movie, as well as a whole whack load of oversized VHS movies, from an old family run videostore that went out of business. Most of what I got probably isn't even available on DVD.
