this is such a good one!

i adore this adaptation no i havent seen any other ones but seriously its amazing! the acting is amazing and yes its very long but thats what makes it sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! i cry at the end everytime because its like i'm saying goodbye to old friends.


This is a good one! I got it in the mail yesterday and I love the way they speak to the camera and the way they recap really fast before almost every act. It's kind of funny.
Smike is heartbreaking (I've never seen a Smike that didn't break my heart...I've seen two others). Smike is always my favorite character because he's such a sweetheart.

This is a great one!


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


It's one of those stories that is so layered and rich that many adaptations are possible. I really liked the recent one starring Charlie Hunnam and Christopher Plummer, for instance. But the RSC was the first version of the story that I saw, in all its sprawling glory, and it'll always be the best for me. :)
