John Barry's Score

Razzie aside, I loved the score for this movie! I have been trying everywhere to find it on CD. Any help would be appreciated. A short LP came out with some of the score. Thanks, Lynn


I haven't heard this score but I can't believe that John Barry could ever receive a Razzie for any of his work. Is the score really that bad? If so, Why?


The score is excellent. Unfortunately, the only version that exists in the LP version.


I found the Legend of the Lone Ranger Soundtrack on CD on ebay. it was a combo cd package with Bruce Lee's game of death or something. had CD packaging and everything for the movie.



I like John Barry's work. I've always liked his score for The Legend of the Lone Ranger. Some of Barry's work on this and other movies, can be seen on YoueTube.
If you download one of the available software like FreeStudio, you should be able to download some of the videos and/or convert them into MP3s. Just Google FreeStudio and you should be able to find their site.
