Not as bad as people think

I saw this movie when I was eight years old back in 1981. At the time, being eight I thought it was pretty good. My father,on the other hand thought it stunk. Anyway many years have passed and I had not thought about this movie until last month. I became curious to see it again and ordered it from Amazon. I expected it to be pretty bad but after watching it as an adult I still thought it was good ( not great ) but good. I think it gets a worse rap because of the scummy producers suing Clayton Moore and because of the voice dubbing. Don't get me wrong, what they did to Moore was very wrong. And it's kind of embarrasing for Spilsbury to be dubbed but the finished product here isn;t all that bad.


Yea, I pretty much feel the same way. In fact, I rather enjoy the more ambitious aspects of the picture, to be honest. It's a fun flick, flaws and all.


"I rather enjoy the more ambitious aspects of the picture, to be honest."

It beats SUPERMAN RETURNS, that's for sure.

The 21st Century deserves a Superman worthy of the Colbert Nation -- STEPHEN COLBERT FOR SUPERMAN!


Yes, you got that right! Superman Returns was a huge boring dissappointment. I would rather watch Legend of the Lone Ranger than Superman Returns any day.


"Superman Returns was a huge boring dissappointment. I would rather watch Legend of the Lone Ranger than Superman Returns any day."


The 21st Century deserves a Superman worthy of the Colbert Nation -- STEPHEN COLBERT FOR SUPERMAN!






Agreed. The movie was entertaining enough and not as bad as it's reputation.

I read on the Klinton Spilsbury board that he had no previous acting experience and his line delivery was bad. So the producers not only made a casting decision error but they compromised the good will of their potential audience by suing an aging actor who probably saw and needed an opportunity to make some quick cash by appearing in his signature role.

Live Full & Die Empty. Tap Your Potential and Realise Your Dreams!


Saw this movie as a kid too and thought it was pretty good. I liked that the movie incorporated the origin of the Lone Ranger and how he met Tonto. It was odd to see other actors in the iconic roles made famous by Moore and Silverheels though.
