MovieChat Forums > Kill Squad Discussion > filmed in san Jose my old hometown

filmed in san Jose my old hometown

the only movie (i know of ) filmed in my old home town san jose hhahaha i remeber the premier they had like searchlights and a guy on a pa system saying "this is the biggest thing to hit san jose since the fruit fly infestation " hahha


The only movie filmed in your home town and it had to be Kill Squad.

How the people reacted when they saw it?


back then san jose was kinda a small town, so this was a big deal, in the newspapers and on tv. I went there on opening night, they had serachlights and everything, they even had a dj type guy on a micraphone, i still remember one phrase he said "this is the biggest thing to hit san jose since the medfly crisis last year" It was a long time ago but the crowd was all locals and whooping and hollering all the way through it, especially if a well known local spot was seen.
