MovieChat Forums > Virus (1983) Discussion > Hoooooooooorrible!


God I've never in my life seen anything so goddamned horrible! I only watched this for like 10 minutes and then I cut it off! For anyone out there who might be considering this......DONT *I repeat* DO NOT SEE THIS! God it's horrible!



<scoffs> I would kill to own this movie.Everyone says it's a bad movie but I still wanna see it.

"Calm down,take a break,eat a cookie!"



Because it looks like a pretty damn good movie to me. I love zombie flicks,well most of them. This is on my list of movies I have to see.

"Calm down,take a break,eat a cookie!"





"Meh, go watch Transformers or Brokeback Mountain."

Ha! Well typed. =D H.O.T.L.D. is one of the best zombie movies around, period. It exemplifies the 'cheap yet effective' rip-off approach of classic trash Italian cinema so very well. I prefer it over its 'step-parent' Dawn Of The Dead! The greater chunk of Italian horror/exploitation consists of this type of film, i think. This crap will never explode like anime did. =D

I admit these movies are really hard to swallow, especially for those born and raised on safe, coherent cinema. A word to the dissapointed: consider that these films were literally scripted and shot in a matter of days on a budget that would give any director from the U.$.A. a heart attack. You can't pop in this movie or Cannibal Ferox or something else cheap & quick from Italy and expect a 'good' film; they are surreal postmodern messes shot with style and made for cheap shocks, decades before Tarantino was pretending to be 'hip'.

H.O.T.L.D. oozes blood, guts and brains; mean-spirited violence; acting and dialogue nothing less than stupefying; racist stereotypes; gratuitous female nudity; a plot that makes no sense; random stock footage from a nature documentary and awkward social commentary thrown in to try and justify it all. For this type of film, there isn't much more to want. I love it! =D

"Cain and Abel will go to Heaven... if they can make it through Hell!"
-Los Hijos Del Topo



"I like some low-budget "horror" such as Evil Dead 2. This one just wasn't my cup of tea."

I've yet to see Evil Dead 2 in its entirety, but what i have seen doesn't seem to be in the same league as H.O.T.L.D., at least on my radar. What i mean is, Evil Dead 2 looks like it actually had money behind it. =D

"Cain and Abel will go to Heaven... if they can make it through Hell!"
-Los Hijos Del Topo



"The human whose name is written in this note shall die"
Death Note films
