My review

When you make a list of interesting Italian trash movies the name Bruno Mattei passes by a lot. So it was about time that i started watching some crap from the director. Virus is the first one and looked the most interesting to me.

After a chemical leak at the Hope Centre in Papua New Guinea (an organization devoted to feeding underdeveloped countries) turns its staff into flesh-eating zombies, a four-man commando squad led by Mike London are sent to investigate. They run into a TV news crew led by celebrity reporter Lia, who are after the same story, but when they discover that the entire country has been overrun by zombies.

After some reviews that swinged with words like trash, infamous and gore i got excited prety quickly. Unfortunately ''Virus'' Wasn't what i suspected. The movie starts cliché but nice when a group of scientists, who dress like they're part of the Ku Klux Klan, *beep* up a dangerous assignment and end up with some crazy consequences. ZOMBIES!

After that the film switches to a group of ''Special-Forces''. I inmediately noticed that their outfit looked like they borrowed it from a group of gardeners. Also note that their caps are way to small and basically stand on their head. And believe it or not but the specialists also act like they just escaped from a mental institution.

The setting in the jungle is charming. I did ask myself why Mattei had the urge to randomly add stock-footage from in slomotion filmed birds. It didn't add anything to the movie. And that's not the only thing Mattei ''stole'' from other movies. As he also added the complete soundtrack of Dawn of the Dead (1978) in his film. He even mentioned in the beginning that Goblin did the music for this film. It costed some controversy as Goblin has never worked with Mattei their entire lives.

The gore, damn i had high expectations on the gore, is rather weak. It's uninsperational and dumb looking. I expected some cheesy looking nastyness but Mattei actually holds back on that. The make-up from the zombies variates from decent looking to dumb looking as some of the zombies just wear a thin layer of green make-up.

My first Mattei is a let down. Though i don't give up on him yet as he has dozens of other interesting titles in the horror and action genre.

5,0 Stars out of 10 :(
