Is it good & scary?

Is it good & scary?

"It's a good thing!"--Martha Stewart


This is probably one of the silliest and most laughable slasher films made in the early 1980's. In fact, it's so ridiculous that it comes across like an unintentional parody of slice'n'dice fare. So, scary it sure ain't, but it's a whole lot of infectiously trashy fun just the same.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!


by Woodyanders » 3 hours ago (Mon Mar 2 2015 07:54:52) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since December 2005
This is probably one of the silliest and most laughable slasher films made in the early 1980's. In fact, it's so ridiculous that it comes across like an unintentional parody of slice'n'dice fare. So, scary it sure ain't, but it's a whole lot of infectiously trashy fun just the same.

Thanks, for your feedback! 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Not scary, but it is entertaining!


really? how so?

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


I think it has such a creepy setting in a hospital and the characters are strange. Barbi is so gorgeous and the examination scene of her tits is not to be missed.


You just liked the movie because of Barb's boobs! 

You're naughty! 

It's a good thing!-Martha Stewart


I found it pretty creepy. The almost dreamlike logic and over the top nature of it all made for a fun but creepy ride. The location and killer are both awesome.


Good is pretty subjective, but I’d rate it ahead of many slashers of the era because it doesn’t revolve around stupid teenagers. As far as being scary, it does generate a bit of suspense, and there is one excellent jump scare.
