favoret line

mine is when he is the king and hes talking to the count- your majesty you look like the piss boy and you look like a bucket of *beep* i laft so har when i herd it.


My favortite line is a classic: "It's good to be the king!" I would like to be a king too ;)


"Wait! No autographs,
No autographs!"


Favourite line ........... Madeline Kahn, Empress Nympho, being carried in a carriage by 4 soldiers.

Halt.......Would you step on the same foot at the same time.........My T!ts are falling off.

I could probably think of 20 more great lines right now, but i'd be here typing for ages. So i'll just leave one more.

Gregory Hines, Josephus, trying to convince the slave owner that he's Jewish.

Call the temple, call the Rabbi, call Sammus Davis Jr, call Sammus he'll vouch for me, he & i are tight.

Man, i love this movie.

XX mojo XX


Harvey Korman and the gay guy in the carriage eating raisins.Count de Money(KORMAN) says to the gay guy "Don't get saucy with me bernaise!"

Bernaise IS a Sauce!


I can do a superb impression of that whole scene, it cracks my friends up :-)

Count DeMoney ......... " Do we have any of those delicious raisins left?"

Bernaise ......... " You ate yours, THESE are mine "

Count DeMoney ......... " Au contraire, I paid for them, hand them over "

Bernaise (behind fan) ....... " Au contraire, i paid for them, these are mine " (blows raspberry)

Count DeMoney ......... " Dont get saucy with me Bernaise "

CLASSIC Mel Brooks

Man, i love this movie :-)

XX mojo XX


Page: "Count the money!!"

Korman: "De MoNAY!!!"


Best line: Count DeMonet: I am Count de Money. De Monet, De Monet.

Classic: "It's good to be the king."

Just hilarious: "Last request. Last request. Novacane." "There is no such thing known to modern science." "I'll wait.

Funny: "Let's end this meeting on a high note. EHHHHHHHHH!"




When Dom DeLuise pulls the jewelry out of his ass, hands it to the court spokesman and says "Here, wash this."



DeMonay looks at camera: "chipped"

"What fool put a carpet on the wall?"


Mine is- Moses descending from Mount Sinai saying "people of Israel, I bring you the fifteen (drops and breaks one of the tablets), no! ten, ten commandments". Or something to that effect.
I first saw this film in college in a double bill with "Blazing Saddles". My sides were sore for weeks afterwards with laughing.


The line that always makes me laugh until I practically turn purple is when Count De Monet and Bernaise (the gay guy) are walking up to the King's Palace and Bernaise says:

"A man's cuff should be even with the tip of his pee-peee."



"Your majesty, I've just heard that the peasants are revolting!"

"You're telling me?! They stink on ice!!"


"I love the people, I'm their sovereign..... PULL!!!!!"



And another one:
"Bring me a small lyre!"
"Small liar! Small liar!"
(little person brought in dangling between two centurions)
"I didn't do it! I was out of town that day! The check is in the mail!"


my ultimate favorite line is the "they stink on ice" one but since its already here, I'll give another.

Swiftus: You are nuts! N-V-T-S NUTS!


"The jig is up!"


And gone!


Comicus & Swiftus: Grrroovus! *bump elbows together*

I laugh at that everytime I watch it. It's so funny and adorable.


And along those lines:

"Aw, seize this, honkus!"


i think mine would be the whole spanish inquisition song!



Everything Madeline Kahn says.
"Very nice selection."
"I love a quick time harch."
The joke she makes about the 2 guys not being hung.lol
"Forget that sh*t I almost fell."

"In A Gadda Da Vida."^-^


"I love a quick time harch."

That one killed me! And don't forget
"Do I have any openings this man might fit?"

But my all time fave is
OEDIPUS: Hey Josephus!
JOSEPHUS: Hey mother f*er!


The jig is up....And Gone!
