The Last Supper Scene

What's your opinion on it? I think it's funny, but I do feel a bit guilty watching it, as I'm Roman Catholic




In my honest opinion, I think Jesus would get a chuckle out of the Last Supper scene!


I had no problem with it. I even thought it was interesting how when Comicus walks into the room, the first guy we see looks like him.


That scene is quite funny. What is really funny is that the guy playing Leonardo DaVinci is the guy who plays Mauser in the Police Academy movies.


You mean Art Metrano. He had done other work besides Police Academy. He was in Teachers.


I don't see the point, actually.

Not mentioning that 'the last supper' theme was used down to be boring - mention a single TV serials that hadn't a 'the last supper' impression/promoshot, nowadays.

I think that some light-hearted comedy about that wasn't in any way 'not in the best of taste, religiously speaking'.
Also because the real people weren't at all involved in any funny part.
They did exactly what they're supposed to do, bible-wise.

If Jesus interacted with Comicus doing silly things and gettinmg out of the Holy script - well, that may be questionable if you're are too observant.
Comicius doing silliness at the side of the Real Thing, well...


I'm Catholic too, but its known that jesus had a good sense of humor, so i laughed lol!


Jesus! Yes?

Rebuild the WTC exactly as before and keep old movies accurate!




I'm Catholic and I find it very funny as well as my 14 year old kid.

'Are you all together or you want separate checks?' That was very funny.


Classic.....perfect. LOVED it.

"Jesus!" "Yes?" lol



Its a good bit. Nothing wrong with it.
