
I always liked this movie. I've been told I don't ask much from a movie and I'm not hyper critical either. I've listened to what critics say but I form my own opinions and often disagree with what they say. I found it a sweet movie about the discovery of an AI's wonder about life. The only question I've always wondered about is concerning the Catskill comedian. How can they get away with obviously modeling him after Rodney Dangerfield without using him to give the character a voice? I mean even the way he crosses his legs is Rodney. Did you ever see him on the Johnny Carson show? The man constantly crosses his legs. He can't sit still. I know I'm not in the majority for liking this movie but that's OK I still like it and I think my grandson will too, lol.


Actually, I got more of a Milton Berle or Henny Youngman vibe from Catskill. Berle for the voice itself and the cigar smoking and Youngman for the one-liner jokes.

Ohhhhh no! There goes Tokyo! Go, go Godzilla!
