A few Inquiries

1) Does anyone happen to know about how long they were on their quest and about how much ground they may have covered?

2) When Ika and Naoh were getting it on towards the end of the movie, Amoukar saw this and then tried to grab Gaw. Was he attempting to have sex with him?

3) Also, at the end, Naoh looks up at the moon. What could possibly be his interpretation of it? Any opinions?


It sounds like you're asking us to do your homework. Well, the semester's over, and hope you got your answers.


If you've got nothing better to contribute than immature responses, then move on.


Well? What kind of grade did you get?


1. These are early humans so they would have a different concept of time than we do and they would also be in a better physical condition to survive outdoors than modern humans would be so traveling for long periods of time probably wouldn't be difficult. If I had to guess at how long they were gone: two to three months? That's just a guess.

2. It's possible. To read some sort of political or moral statement into that scene would be silly.

3. My guess is that it's an indication that these early humans are evolving and that the quest for fire was a step forward in terms of cognitive development and overall improvement.

The last scene could also be a tip of the hat to 2001: A Space Odyssey.


1. Good point about the physical conditioning. I was thinking a little longer. Maybe 6 months or more, but it's a guess. I just wanted someone else's opinion.

2. Okay.

3. I'll go with that. I have no theory on that one.

Thanks for your responses.
