Ron Perlman

Who else thought he made the whole movie besides Rae Dawn Chong

"only talented people are capable of understanding us" Lady Une


Lol. Who besides Rae Dawn Chong? I'm sure there's lots of people. Learn to construct a sentence.


The great thing about Perlman is that the filmmakers didn't need to put make up on him.


They did.
Just not that much.
I remember seeing 'the making of' and being surprised when I saw Ron for the first time without makeup and wondering if they just put a little on his face to make him feel better ;)
He has an awesome face.


That was a lot of make-up. He's hardly recognisable.


That was a lot of make-up. He's hardly recognisable.

LMAO, you can't be serious. Perlman is so easily recognized it isn't even funny. He has a very primitive jaw line & facial features even without makeup.


They were the best. He really got down the movements of monkeys and apes. The eye movement. Being submissive. Rae was excellent and so was the lead. He was exclusive6 especially when seeing fire being made and missing his woman. I love this movie.
