MovieChat Forums > Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981) Discussion > Better than the original but has its pro...

Better than the original but has its problems

Just re-watched Parts 1 and 2 again and I do think that Part 2 was the better film. I do think it has its fair share of problems though. The original just had a lot of boring parts. The deaths were few and far between, and the characters weren't nearly as memorable as the films that came after it. Not saying the first film is bad, not at all, but it's probably the worst out of the first four in my opinion.

Part 2 would be neck and neck with the Final Chapter, but...I think the film focuses way too much time on the beginning with Alice, and spends too much time setting up the large amount of characters, most of which we don't even see after the first counselor scene anyway. We also have the cop scenes which take up some time. By the time we get to the "kill night" portion of the film, the deaths happen way too fast...I mean, I think everyone dies in the span of less than 10 minutes. I like how in Parts 3 and 4, people in the main group die and the other shave no idea yet they keep hanging out and stuff...that's what I like. People got killed off in the background while the rest of the crew remained oblivious. In Part 2 everyone kind of does their own thing at the same time which causes them all to be killed off rather quickly. I just think the movie suffers from terrible pacing. By the time it gets to night time, it feels like they're doing a rushed version of a Friday movie, that's how fast it goes. The only thing to break it up is the bar scene which is great by the way, but I just hate how everything happens so fast. I like the partying aspect of the Friday films, but this one kind of tries to do too much in such a short film, so it ends up being a bit of a mess.

I still think it's one of the better films, definitely top 5, maybe even top 3, and better than the original, but I just hate the pacing issues. I think the film suffers from having too big a cast of main kids, so we don't really get to see too much of any of them. The film doesn't give itself any time to breathe. I do love the characters though, this group of kids is one of the best in the franchise, and it also has some of the hottest women. It's just a shame we didn't get to see more of these characters.


I'm just rewatching it for the first time in years and know exactly what woman your talking about lol. The film it self does lag in places but not as much as the first one in my opinion. It definitely does have fun parts and is entertaining enough. I like that they bought crazy Ralph back, it was a good death for him. It's at least on par with the original or even slightly better I'd say.


That would be Terry, Sandra and the wheelchair dude's girl I forgot her name.

But mostly Terry. She is on another level of hot, I think she's a solid 10 to be quite honest and I never give 10's out.


Come on now. The original is miles better, if only for the fact that it makes sense. Part 2 is idiotic. Jason tracks the survivor of the first one down in the city? Come on. Why is he even alive? Ridiculous. No, it's a moronic and desperate cash-in on a surprise hit that had an ending. Let's be smart about this.


Dude you're talking about "being smart" regarding an 80's slasher film. Come on man. even the original Friday is pure B movie. Nobody watches Friday the 13th for the story, and if you do...I feel bad for you. These movies aren't deep or anything above an 80's campy popcorn fest. I'd take the film with better kills and hotter women. If you're really judging these films on which ones are better made, then what are you doing watching 80's slasher films to begin with? Heck, The Burning is more enjoyable than half the Friday series and that's a C movie. Slasher is pretty much the bottom of the barrel in Hollywood film bro. It's entertainment, nothing more. I, like many slasher fans, love them because of the atmosphere, the kills and the women. The original Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street are the only two slashers ever made that could be considered "a great film" by movie making standard. But I judge a film on how much I like it because I'm the one watching it. Texas Chainsaw Massacre is my favorite slasher film of all time, but it's still technically a B movie.


Part 1 was more creative, believable, suspenseful and a number of other things. It's atmosphere was off the charts, whereas it actually felt like Summer, at a camp, in the middle of the woods. Part 2 did a good job, so did 3 but none of the sequels even compare to the Original in the basic forms of filmmaking. Even little scenes were more grounded. The storm coming in was an ACTUAL storm and added so much to the night scenes. It reminded me of nights in New Hampshire during storms, way out in the woods... Add in a solid and likeable cast, it's definitely the best without doubt. I really like Part 2, 3 and 4 were good and I actually enjoy the rest to a certain degree(Some more than others) but I don't see how anyone can question the suspense of the original teamed with that incredible atmosphere, it's far more grounded and made for a better film.


I agree that the film was slower than it needed to be. They certainly could have added more screen time to other characters in the bar scene or earlier in the movie. However, the filmmakers did a better job at developing the main characters in this sequel then they did with those in the original. Some people say Jason Lives is the second best movie in the franchise. They are correct. But the #1 best film, "El mero mero" is Part 2.


"The deaths were few and far between, and the characters weren't nearly as memorable as the films that came after it."

Yeah, right. Pamela Voorhees was the most memorable character in the entire series, and Betsy Palmer's performance was, by far, the best in the series. Also, the original movie had the best jump scare in movie history. Parts 2 and 3 tried to copy that jump scare at the end, but they came off as poor imitations.


i think it's more fun to watch then the first and refreshing with the fuller cast, but the first had a better ending i think and was a little better directed.


you have good points but still my fav
