
What is this film about? I can't seem to find anywhere what the whole story is about. I also want to read the novel but i first want to know whats it about.
Help anyone?


It's basically two romance stories in parallel: both played by Jeremy Irons and Meryl Streep. One is set in victorian times, and the other is set in modern times. The couple in modern times are both actors, acting in a version of the victorian story, called the French Lieutenant's Woman. Confused? It's not that hard to grasp, but neither does there seem to be much point to it. It's not half as clever as it thinks it is. But basically this is two romantic dramas in one.


I think it's banapaulo who's not half as clever as he thinks he is. The book is more than clever, it's brilliant, a tour de force, an exploration of what a novel can be, and was something of a sensation when it came out, well deserved. I think it made way for lots of books and screenplays with alternate or twist endings - Possession, Sliding Doors, Sixth Sense, to name a few of the more obvious ones. Totally worth reading and the screenplay by Pinter (not to mention the acting and editing) made for an absolutely wonderful movie, quite different from the novel in many ways.


Keely, you seem to know your stuff. What do you make of my above reply to the OP? I would appreciate your input if you'd be so kind. I think that, unless this was a mistake in the film version, this ending was designed to make us think that Mike loved the idea and fantasy of Anna's character, Sarah Woodruff more than her. I assume this is covered in some depth in the novel? Or was in fact this detail omitted in its entirety? It has often puzzled me but I don't have a penchant for novels, I read true crime!

Oh aside from Lolita - but I am still only a few pages into that after 3 years to my absolute shame LOL! Thank you in advance if you have anything to add.

Has anyone seen my wife? - Columbo



I read the book a very long time ago, twice, but I have been meaning to give it another read after seeing the movie again recently and now I think I will. In the book I don't recall anything about the actor falling in love with the character. In fact I don't even recall the actors being part of the book, which isn't really about the love story and whether the characters live happily ever after like in most books. The novel is a contrast between Victorian and modern societies. Fowles writes about Charles and Sarah in the utter style of a Victorian novelist with all the hypocrisy of the era and then takes you right out of the story by commenting in his own words as an author about what the characters are thinking and what possible actions they could do next. He even provides several alternate possible endings to the story. In this way the book contrasts the choices we have in modern life and love compared with what the characters might have done back then. I'm making it sound dry and philosophical but the book is not like that at all, it reads wonderfully and the story is fascinating. I think you might be able to get through it 😉 pretty painlessly if you have any interest in Victorian times. I found it more readable and enjoyable than Lolita!


Hi, Keely!

Thanks ever so much for your prompt reply. This board is generally quite slow so I thought I might have to wait a few weeks for any feedback haha! So I guess the film adaptation differed quite a bit from the novel. I hope you decide to read it again as I am happy to hear about any new observations you may have that you may have overlooked the first time.

Sorry for my annoying edits in both the above posts. I had to edit one to add a spoiler warning and the second because seemingly the emoticon command prompts have been changed so I was left with just the text and not the emoticons! Also some weird squiggle has been added to the start and end of my signature which was not added by me. I have to amend it before posting - must go into my profile and change it! Thank you again for your response and have a great day!

Has anyone seen my wife? - Columbo


OK, I just reserved it at the library! Do you think you might give it a shot?


Probably not in the immediate future as I have three books on the go and rarely read much to my shame! I get carried away with gaming! But if I ever see a copy I may pick it up but rarely read fiction, mainly true crime. But think the film is very good!

Has anyone seen my wife? - Columbo


Hi again Keely,

I have been reading a book on how to write a screenplay and after reading a few dozen pages I felt compelled to return here and say that they also cover issues regarding books that are converted into film.

It is sad but true that many writers sell their souls when they give the movie rights to a book away but they often take their coin and are very displeased when the movie version is released. Unless they draw up a contract so they can have a say in how the movie goes then basically they are left in a stupor of disappointment and a sense of real violation which is understandable.

For this reason, I rarely read books of films I have seen. I once started reading Margaret Mitchell's "Gone With the Wind" and a few chapters in I was confused because there were details in that which seriously altered Scarlett O'Hara's position in life when compared to the film version. Ergo |I now try to see the movie version as they stand - as a separate entity and merely "inspired" by the book of the same name. Otherwise I would go crazy 

Has anyone seen my wife? - Columbo


I definitely get what you are saying. Luckily Harold Pinter did the screenplay for French Lieutenant's Woman. His genius in adding to the equation the actors playing themselves I think added a dimension to the film that made it faithful to the book.


Which is always good news. Are you on Facebook by any chance?

If so please add me - I am Lo Lightworker Archer 

Has anyone seen my wife? - Columbo


found you 😤 - but can't friend you, no button, perhaps your settings allow only friends of friends. You might be able to friend me:


Sent and thank you Keely 

Has anyone seen my wife? - Columbo


WARNING: I realise you have not yet seen the film (?) so best add that the last paragraph contains a large spoiler!!

Basically, Meryl Streep and Jeremy Irons play actors Anna and Mike. Both Anna and Mike are partnered/married to other people but embark on an affair whilst acting in a film named "The French Lieutenant's Woman".

Of course, the bulk of the performance focuses on telling the story of the film they are starring in, occasionally reminding us of the affair they are having off-screen.

I may have this completely wrong but I have never read the novel - I think the aim here is to tell the story of a married actor who falls in love NOT so much with his co-star but that he actually falls in love with the character she is playing.

I arrived at this conclusion after seeing the end. When filming has ended the cast are all at the wrap party and Anna slips away, evidently having regrets about the affair (and having met Mike's wife and children). She does not announce her departure and when Mike pursues her, he sees her car driving off and he shouts after her but he shouts out her character name "Sarah" and not her real name "Anna" which I assume indicates my theory in that he wasn't at all in love with Anna, just besotted by the character she had been playing.

Has anyone seen my wife? - Columbo



You read a novel to find out what it's about. If you didn't get what it's about when you watched the movie, I recommend comic books.
