Meryls first lead role in a movie

Why no one has mentioned it on this board before. She had done tv movies as lead but this was her first motion picture as a lead


Well, in my opinion she did great. She really captured Sarah, a young woman who is at some points difficult to understand. She is very beautiful in this film, and it certainly shows it. Jeremy and Meryl was possibly a bit off, but it still worked in a way, it wasn't completely unbearable.


She had already won an Oscar for Kramer vs. Kramer.

How do we know for an absolute fact that hard work never killed anyone?


She won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for Kramer vs Kramer.

But, Kramer vs Kramer was her first leading role, she put in supporting category because no one was beating Sally Field that year for Norma Rae.


Meryl is definitely supporting in Kramer. She has her fove minute scene in the beginning and comes back for like the last 20 minutes of the film.

Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation (Eat, Pray, Love)


Yes folks often get deceived by this. She appeared looking from a cafe or something when the father and son were out together then mostly for the court scenes and the ending and as you say a little bit at the start when she basically tells Dustin Hoffman's character she's leaving him then cries a bit in the lift. Lol.

Has anyone seen my wife? - Columbo
