Is it bad..

..that I want Tod/Copper to happen? The slashy undertones were so overwhelming.
Vixey is a such a ****block.

And oh boy, I never found animals attractive until I saw Tod. Damn you Disney.


No, there's nothing wrong with slash shipping, as long as you acknowledge it's not canon. And some folks will disagree, but I don't think there's anything wrong with finding a sapient creature attractive, even if it's a fictional fox rather than a human.

You're being awfully unfair to Vixey, though! She didn't separate Tod from Copper... that was Amos, Chief, and Copper himself. (And even if Tod had left Copper to be with Vixey, that wouldn't reflect badly on her.)


No, there were no "slashy" overtones in the movie. Get real.



lol I can fault TPTB for putting her as a love interest but w/e.



Y u mad tho? Chillax. It wasn't to be taken seriously.

Why is everyone so butthurt that I called Vixey a cb? lol.



What if I do? Am I not allowed my own opinion? Just as I said, it was to be taken only with a grain of salt. Did you really think for real that Disney will have their characters as gay? Even in subtext? lol not gonna happen.

And Vixey stans? Calm down.



lol. Now if only you asked the question earlier, but I'm done dealing with you.
And no thanks, I don't need to explain myself to you.

Some people take things way too seriously. Sheesh.
