How on earth did the reviewer reach this conclusion? There is nothing in the story or the dialog that makes reference to the religious beliefs of any of the characters. Sterotypes? Where?


I get the Jewish thing. Lot's of Woody Alen Introspection and hand-wringing.

I could not stop watching the movie last night, but I was pretty critical. Not that it wasn't good. I would give it a B+ for Dialouge, Script, Acting, etc (for the 80's) but, being critical of Alan Alda in general, I thought it reflected on him and his flaws. I thought it was a bit self-important, self-conscious, self-indulgent, self-congratulatory, and pretentious, and as such reflected honestly on A.A.

Having said that, his talent cannot be denied and, again, the cast and their acting deserve special mention.


I'm Catholic. I'm Irish-American. My husband is Polish-American. He is also Catholic. We are both very near 50. We have had nearly EVERY argument depicted in this movie during our relationship. Those arguments or debates we haven't had, we've watched close friends have with their partners/spouses.

This movie isn't ethnic - it's just human... uncomfortably, embarrassingly, and delightfully human. If anyone is tempted to think differently maybe they're like the character in the film who says "Why does everybody think I'm paranoid? Is this what you all talk about behind my back?"

I'm especially entertained by the person who wants to know where to find the "soundtrack".........


I agree, I didn't get an overtly "Jewish" vibe/sensibility from this film either. Of course Alan Alda is fond of aping Groucho Marx, I can see how one might associate his line delivery and cynical one-liners with "Jewish comedy," but he's the only one in the cast who might give this impression.

Speaking of ethnicity, the numerous references to Rita Moreno's character being Italian "took me out" a bit. I just can't look at Rita and not think "Latina."


I thought they were classic wasps except for Rita.


Me too. I recall several times when Claudia said or did something emotional and her excuse was "I'm Italian!" lol I didn't get anything particularly Jewish about them. It's a very funny comedy that explores human friendship, foibles, and relationships.


Get real.. I'm from NYC and Jack Watson's character is Jewish...


It's Jack Weston, not Watson. His character does come across as somewhat stereotypically Jewish, but if Claudia's as Italian as she keeps saying, she's likely Catholic, which would make it unlikely she'd marry a Jew and freak out her "poor mother."

Regardless, I agree that their ethnicity shouldn't matter because the arguments and issues are universal to people who've been in long-term, or even not so long-term, relationships and marriages. I really love this movie.


Yes, a name like Zimmer(room or carpenter in German)is meant to make him Ashkanazi Jewish. Also is married to a Jewish woman so he adds that in his movies.
Not that strange with a interreligious marriage in this. Alda being an example and Mel Brooks had the same thing with Anne Bancroft. Not uncommon in a place like New York.


Italian and Catholic doesn't necessarily mean devoutly Catholic. I've seen plenty of people in interreligious marriages like this.


Yes, Jewish. Alan Alda is the biggest non-Jew Jew ever. And I mean that with complete love, coming from someone who actually is a Jew.

What I mean is, Alda is a dyed-in-the wool New Yorker. And has New York sensibilities. New Yorkers in 1981 would read the New York Times on Sunday and eat lox and bagels (which is mentioned in the movie, by the way), regardless of their actual ethnicity.

Alda is a product of this New York upbringing, this experience. And to my mind, a movie like this, with characters like this, just screams out, "JEW!!!" at the top of its lungs. Not that that's a bad thing.

My parents were about the same age as the characters/actors in this movie at the time of this movie - in their mid-40s, early 50s. And they were great friends with two other couples, and they would go away for long weekends on the boat of the other couple. This movie reminds me of my parents and their lifestyle back then.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
