Batman-esque Silliness

Dragging Bond and Melina back and forth multiple times thru the water behind his yacht, in an attempt to make them shark bait, was right up there in cheeziness with the Batman show of the 60s.

And then the first time Bond plunges down below, he cuts the rope binding his hands on the rocks...why not cut the rope dragging you, you mope?

Scott Evil would have laughed at Kristatos.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Virtually every single Bond movie has the villain act like an idiot so that Bond can survive. It's tradition.

Instead of just killing Bond, Goldfinger actually took him on his heist.

In Thunderball, the guy with the patch (forgotten his name), doesn't let his man just shoot him dead but instead wants him to go in the pool so a shark can eat him...

List goes on.

It's part of Bond lore.

Even the last one had the contrived thing with the drilling so that Bond could live to fight another day.


All in all, though, I would say this is the most "mature" and least outrageous of Moore's bond movies. Consider how insanely outlandish Moonraker was.


You couldn't be more wrong. That scene of dragging them over the coral is right out of the Fleming novel Live and Let Die.


Just because a scene is in the book, doesn't make it any less cheezy, especially if it is directed that way.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
