MovieChat Forums > The Final Terror (1983) Discussion > Alternate 'Carnivore' version on double ...

Alternate 'Carnivore' version on double feature DVD

The Final Terror is also available on disc under the title Carnivore. It's actually been available for some time now (long before the other DVD release mentioned here). It was released as a cheapo double feature with Christmas Evil from a company called EastWest DVD and it's packaged in one of those slim DVD cases that you find in bargain bins for $0.97. The transfer is actually not too bad and is far from the murky VHS-type quality of the other DVD.

Look for it at Amazon by typing Carnivore & Christmas Evil Double Feature in the search box.

Hope this is of some helps to fans.


Thank you very much for that! I might try to get my mom to get it! I've always wanted to see The Final Terror, but I can't stand Christmas Evil. I think it needs another viewing so I can fresh up on it. :]


No problem. And to be honest, I can't stand Christmas Evil either. I thought I would give it another go when I got the double-feature disc but I only managed about 25 minutes before I had to switch off.

The package is still well worth it for Carnivore/Final Terror though...


Yeah. That's true. I watched the whole Christmas Evil. I hate the end. He like flies into the moon or something! I think.

The double feature on amazon doesn't seem available though! There wasn't a purchase button. Only a "USED AND NEW" button.


There are quite a few knocking around on ebay and real cheap too. I typed in Carnivore & Christmas Evil and the first one to pop up had a "BUY IT NOW" feature for $1.50.

Hope you get the chance to pick one up.


Just got one of these !!!!!!!! :-)


Cool. I hope you enjoy it.



Is it uncut? I guess there aren't any special features?


Unfortunately there are no special features. A trailer would've been nice but at such a low price I suppose that wasn't going to happen.

As far as the movie being uncut or not, I can only say that it seems to be intact from my point of view. Bear in mind though that I'm from the UK so the only other version I have for comparison is a Thorn EMI VHS version from the early 1980's which was heavily cut. There are certainly bits on this DVD that didn't appear in the UK version - more shots of blood and gore. There doesn't appear to be any extra or extended scenes along the lines of the ones mentioned elsewhere on these boards (the extended beginning etc).

A note on the titles: the original UK video had the title sequence interrupted by a badly done, video generated "Final Terror" title card, complete with a rather clumsy zoom into camera. The East West DVD features what appear to be the full original titles (which I actually always though was The Final Terror but the DVD makes it look like it was indeed Carnivore although IMDB list this as a US TV title only) with no signs of re-titling or tinkering.


No special features. Contains the sex scene, to me it seems to be uncut, Runtime according to cover is 82 min.

Picture quality is good.
Audio quality good too, sometimes decent.

Overall it's worth it:

Good luck


Yeah, I bought that particular DVD for one lousy buck at a local dollar store; it's actually a pretty good, if less than great, transfer of the film. I've always had a certain soft spot for "The Final Terror," mainly because it makes a few welcome and radical departures from the usual slasher formula. WARNING: Possible *SPOILER* ahead. I especially liked how all the young people in peril band together into a little army to make a stand against the lethal backwoods killer at the picture's thrilling conclusion; that's a really cool and unexpected break from slice'n'dice body count conventions. Usually there's only one person left at the end to confront and kill the maniac, so I thought the film's climax was a nice change of pace.

"Warren Oates died for our sins"
