Shroud of Mystery

There is mystery and there is some suspense,but there is also dissipation of the same.

The awkwardness of the ending somehow doesn't measure up to the promising start.

What,however,is noteworthy is the stunning & stellar cast of Plummer,Hurt,Freeman,Woods and Weaver;but,why,the eventual stumbling through the script might be the greatest mystery of all !


The Border though was more of a Neo Noir that unwilling didn't kill it's lead character off when they put Dire Strait where the odds were overwhelmingly against him. The same could be said for Eyewitness but I see more as a Thriller coated with romantic subplot. The Romance take over by end we get your cliche ending where Love wins in the end.

TERRIERS/The Chicago Code R.I.P
BBC America Copper Sundays 10/9c


...ah,the cliché love ending;well,that may sum it UP


Because they took two completely different scripts and put them together even though they clearly didn't gel together well. There's a line about that in the trivia section here for the movie.


A-ha..mystery solved !
