Trespassing etiquette

Exactly what should one say when one passes an elderly couple at the kitchen table when exiting their apartment after escaping on their terrace? Somehow "excuse me" just seems inadequate.


"Howdy! I'm just a blonde ghost in a running suit passing thru this dimension. Enjoy your dinner & don't mind me. Have a nice day!"


That works for me! Really, I'd be grateful for the company.


"Pardon me for disrupting your meal, but I just gotta say the view from your terrace is simply divine!"

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


Sorry to drop in, but there is a serial killer living above you, and I wanted to steal his shoe. I would have brought you his oj if I knew all you had were these little juice boxes.


"Just be glad I'm not Freebie and the Bean!"


Ha ha, winner


"Love what you've done with the place!"

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


I believe I would have said something like Hum That food looks tasty , where's the liquor.
