The Best awful B movie

This is pure hilarity. I caught it on FLIX. Hopefully I can record it next time.


A real downpoint in Christopher George's career.


I've revered this movie since the '80s as THE CHEESIEST martial arts movie ever made (no small feat). From the non-script, to the non-acting, to the over-the-top bad guys ("I want my Oompah-Loompah, er, ninja NOW!"), to the old guy who would go on to slasher-movie immortality in "Silent Night Deadly Night" a few years later, to the atrocious camera-smirk freeze-frame at the end, this flick fairly reeks of '80s cheese. Would have made great "Mystery Science Theater" fodder, but even without MST this is pure gawking-at-the-train-wreck fun.


It truly is one of the best, if not THE best awful b-movie. I forked over 16 bucks to own it on DVD, and it's been well worth it.

I love to love my Lisa.


It's pure cheesy and silly 80s martial arts awesomeness.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


Just came across it on this-TV. In the first scene I saw he ripped the bad guy's hook off and then threw it to him, and said something like "You're forgetting something." 2.jpg
