Sea Cliff, N.Y.

Sea Cliff N.Y. is where much of this movie was filmed, that's where the Butterfield house existed. Does anyone know if this house was truely burned for the movie or if it is in fact still in existence?

I fell in love with the victorian house, just curious, if anyone has seen it in person?



its funny you should ask this. Its my neighbors house. Still there, still a very beautiful house. They would never burn a house down in my town for a movie, its only one square mile.


Wow! Thank you for responding. Whenever I watch that movie, I always try to get good looks at that house because I fell in love with that house. The movie is just so dark though, you can't see much of it. Sea Cliff looks like such a great little place to live. If I would ever make it up to that area, and my husband and I might go do a trip to New England, etc., we currently live in Ohio, I'd love to drive by and see it. Does it still look the same? Is it similar to other homes in the area? I apologize if I'm coming off as weird, but I just thought that house was awesome, I love victorian homes. Did you by chance live there during the filming? Thanks!


No no, not coming off as weird at all. Actually I was born in 1984 so I was not around yet to witness the filming. But yes most of the houses in Sea Cliff are the same old Victorian style, some gothic architecture. My house was built in 1886. There is a huge historic preservation society in town so the houses havent been able to change. (no re-muldeling if you will) Sea Cliff is a great town right by the water, and was an awesome place to grow up. I attend the University of Vermont which is located in Burlington, which also has a lot of great Victorian homes.


Thanks for responding and letting me hear about Sea Cliff and Vermont. Best of luck with your studies too. Out of curiousity, does the owner who lived there while the film was being made still live there? What does a house like that go for up there, don't need specifics, just curious. And sort-of off subject, what are other towns in that area like, just like Sea Cliff? Sea Cliff sounds so small, are there any markable attractions, festivals or anything? Thanks again!!


Hi, I just read the posts here about the house. According to what I read online, that house is currently up for sale (2008) for over $1M. Wow - now that's gonna cost! And I read the same small area of burns on that porch are still there to this day. It is part of the history of making that film! I sure would love to see it myself and I'd live to see some pictures!


I moved to Burlington because of this movie and I stayed there for 7 years!

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!
