I don't care what people said about the performances especially Brook Shield, but to me, just see this couple, made me go to my early years as a teenager and really felt how much intense could being loving someone and be loved!!!Just to the pleasure to see Martin and Brook loving each other (good chemistry), I was pleased. By the way, I think that not everybody feels that this is a piece of trash, many people enjoyed the film as I did. My respects for the highest films critics, but this is my humble opinion!


I've loved 'Endless Love' ever since I saw in 1981, when I was 22.


I love this movie also. Plus, Brooke Sheilds was so beautiful.

I don't think Brook has ever had an ugly stage. She's been beautiful her entire life.

Loving someone to the point of obsession is a scary thing but I love this movie because it shows how much passion and insanity can be in one relationship.

That kind of love does exist.
