MovieChat Forums > Endless Love (1981) Discussion > She's 15?! Those parents are nuts!!!

She's 15?! Those parents are nuts!!!

To just allow that in their house. What kind of parenting is that? They are children.


Were you asleep during the movie and missed major key points?


Yes, the parents knew they were dating, but, they DID NOT know they were sexually active, at first.

The mother found out first, and, she later explained that what she saw between David and Jade was true, real love, and, she thought it was beautiful. She was open minded that way. The dad obviously had more issues with it all.

When the father found out, shortly after, all hell broke loose and David got kicked out, was forbidden to see Jade, etc. etc.

Basically, the truth being revealed that they were sexually active happened right before everything started going downhill.

Also, I wouldn't exactly call 15 a "child". 15 is a young adult.

My aunt was married at 16, as was my mother. Both are in very happy long-term marriages.

When I was 14, I got into a relationship that lasted until I was 19. 5 years.

Age is only a number. 15 is young, yes, but I'd still consider it to be a young adult. Back in the day, women marrying at such a young age was quite the norm, and still is in many parts of the modern world.

The whole premise of this movie, also, is the theme of endless love. Their love was unconditional, endless, passionate, and neither age, time, nor distance hindered their love. That was the whole point of the movie -- endless love. Endless love that has no boundaries.
