Is it good & scary?

Is it good & scary?

It's a good thing!-Martha Stewart


I love this film. I don't know if I'd call it scary, but it's one of the grittiest, most hard-edged '80s slashers I've ever seen. The entire thing is very dark (visually) in terms of the sets and whatnot, and the killer has an especially mean-spirited penchant. Very grim conclusion as well.

I think it's a good film. Not exactly scary, but there are some creepy and legitimately disturbing moments.


by ultra_violent » 4 minutes ago (Sat Jul 4 2015 14:09:43) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since June 2004
I love this film. I don't know if I'd call it scary, but it's one of the grittiest, most hard-edged '80s slashers I've ever seen. The entire thing is very dark (visually) in terms of the sets and whatnot, and the killer has an especially mean-spirited penchant. Very grim conclusion as well.

I think it's a good film. Not exactly scary, but there are some creepy and legitimately disturbing moments.

Thanks, UV for your detailed feedback; I appreciate it!


I agree on the film somewhat. Wouldn't say I love it, but I quite enjoyed it. However gritty and hard edged? I wouldn't go that far. It may have a semi-gritty look due to being filmed on 16MM so I'll sort of give you that. But not really hard edged though.


