MovieChat Forums > The Creature Wasn't Nice Discussion > I've been trying to track down this movi...

I've been trying to track down this movie for 15 years.

Thanks to the internet, I've been able to track down most of the half-remembered childhood favorites. But a few eluded me for years, until I almost began to doubt I ever saw them.

"The Creature Wasn't Nice" was one of them. All I could remember was a red, jelly-like alien that came onboard a spaceship and slowly ate the crew. I remembered it was funny, sort of an Alien spoof. And that was about it.

Tonight my friend casually mentioned a movie he found on Netflix. You can guess the rest: Me, yelling excitedly; him, slowly backing away, looking for exits in case he needed to escape.

I just don't know what else to say. This is so awesome. My new mission in life is tracking this movie down. Is there a special edition DVD in the works? I've heard rumors, but dare I believe they're true?



I don't know about any special edition. I've got a cheap DVD, repackaged under the title 'Naked Spaceship' to cash in on the success of the 'Naked Gun' movies. It's not gag-packed like them, and on a much lower budget, so people watching it have been disappointed and attacked this movie.

I, however, had no expectations when I first saw it, and loved it too. I think I got my copy via Amazon, about 2 years ago. Good luck in finding it.


Good news, I found a VHS copy on for $5! -- friend to all in search of obscure VHS movies. :)



Yes, there's a special edition coming, hopefully by the end of this year. It will contain a letterboxed transfer of the film you know, plus the director's cut, which is quite different.


Will it be on blu ray by any chance?

This bill is outrageous. If I were you I wouldn't pay it.


There are many movies from the 80's that I can't remember well, one of them had a scene where surgeons were operating on a woman's wrist. Another one that I do know the title-"time walker" I can't find.

There was another that aired on TV about ten years ago that I somehow didn't catch the title of was on an attractive woman out in the wilderness wearing this green or blue sweatsuit who befriends a man who lives out there and is trying to make it up to his adult son for many lost years. The son torments the woman until the father is forced to shoot him on train tracks to free the woman in the film's conclusion.

Religion: Silly but deadly, lying to yourself and killing others for being honest.


it is on youtube. Search for Naked Space :)


I believe you replied to me by mistake.


I bought my 'Naked Space' DVD many years ago from a "bargain-basement" bin at a local department store so I don't know about any recent releases. Mine's a 1999 DVD from Palm Beach Entertainment, UPC# 7-8417885352-0. Don't know if PBE is still around but maybe you can buy a used DVD online.


I'm not sure how I discovered this; I think I just found the DVD called "naked space" but I love this - I get the humor and appreciate the movie.


As of today it is available on Amazon on DVD titled naked space
